The Future Way of Working: how do we maintain connected, working remotely?

The Future Way of Working: how do we maintain connected, working remotely?

Explore with us the ‘new normal’ in the way we work. A ‘new normal’ that no one yet knows exactly what it will look like…

About The Future Way of Working: how do we maintain connected, working remotely?

The Future of Working: an expedition in the unknown

It is definitely one of the major challenges in EX in the coming years: how do we keep employees involved, productive and healthy in the long term while working (largely) remotely?

How do we ensure that employees continue to enjoy their work? That they keep the feeling of ‘belonging’, ‘being connected’ and ‘being seen’? In short: How do we keep our employees close, even at a distance?

This tour is about exploring the ‘new normal’ in the way we work. A ‘new normal’ that no one yet knows exactly what it will look like. Not in terms of the facilities aspects, not in terms of mobility and, above all, not in socio-psychological terms.

Together with a select group of frontrunners we aim to find out what this ‘Future of Working’ might look like and whether there are opportunities to turn the disadvantages of the old model into the advantages of the new one. We are committed to developing a new set of concrete best practices, on the way to a future with work and a work environment that, as far as we’re concerned, will only lead to more job satisfaction and a feeling of belonging!

The Future Way of Working: how do we maintain connected, working remotely? journeys

This travel does not have any journeys.

Travel guide
VX World tour - Alles is er al, als je luistert
12:00:00 CET
Eric de Haan is voorzitter van Stichting Gouden Oor en oprichter van het Service Excellence Institute. Helpt als adviseur organisaties hun klantgevoeligheid integraal te ontwikkelen met de Gouden Oor Standaard en de Service Excellence Standard als referentiekaders. Publiceerde eerder zeven boeken over klantgevoeligheid en excellente dienstverlening.
VX World tour - Alles is er al, als je luistert