Sharing thoughts on (emotional) experience: a series of round tables

Sharing thoughts on (emotional) experience: a series of round tables

In this journey, we bring together thinkers and doers from the world of CX and EX to explore new insights, visions and ideas.

About Sharing thoughts on (emotional) experience: a series of round tables

CX Virtual World Tour: The Emotional Round Tables
‘It’s not enough to be good – you’ve got to be relevant’

In their quest for improvement, experience shows that most organizations focus on optimizing the (functional) ‘user journey’, or the bottom layer of the Emotion Pyramid™ (Altuïtion) above. At this layer we can also plot 99 out of 100 CX trajectories.

But CX should actually be about more than ‘more convenience for the customer’ or ‘removing bumps the customer experience’. That kind of CX is about ‘good’. And that’s good, but not enough. In our vision it should be about making an emotional connection with external (and internal) customers. And in the last instance about becoming (emotionally) relevant for employees and customers, resulting in attractive Brand-Worthy 9+ (service) relationships.

In the coming months we will organize a number of Round Tables on this broad theme. Moderated by specialists and professionals who have realized real breakthroughs at the middle and upper levels of the Emotional Pyramid™.

Join us and have your say!

Sharing thoughts on (emotional) experience: a series of round tables journeys

This travel does not have any journeys.

Travel guide
VX World tour - Alles is er al, als je luistert
12:00:00 CET
Eric de Haan is voorzitter van Stichting Gouden Oor en oprichter van het Service Excellence Institute. Helpt als adviseur organisaties hun klantgevoeligheid integraal te ontwikkelen met de Gouden Oor Standaard en de Service Excellence Standard als referentiekaders. Publiceerde eerder zeven boeken over klantgevoeligheid en excellente dienstverlening.
VX World tour - Alles is er al, als je luistert